Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Is this real?

Sometimes, when good things happen to me, I think 'Is this really happening?' I mean, it's weird. There have been times when I've tried really hard to get something or change something and it just hasn't worked despite my best efforts. And then, out of the blue, after I've almost forgotten about it, it works out!

Those are moments when I need to pinch myself to make sure I'm awake. It doesn't happen as often as I'd like it to. (Yeah, life can be a real bitch! ;) ) But when it does, it's like magic!

I was just thinking about this when I came across this beautiful quote...

"Nothing is too good to be true, nothing is too good to last, nothing is too wonderful to happen." - Florence Scoville Shinn

So the next time something surprisingly nice happens, I'll try and take myself out of the way and just accept it, gratefully! :)


ramblingmuse said...

Hmm...I'm curious...

What happened??

Queenmatrai said...

Sometimes when you want something badly enough the universe conspires to give it to you...

Happy for you...


Alexys Fairfield said...

When you believe in the goodness of life, then good things always happen. I believe -- and I found your blog. That has to amount to SOMETHING GOOD!

Ajeya said...

RM... honestly, nothing spectacularly good happened. It's just that I was thinking about things that have happened in my life. when it does happen next, I will let you know :)

noojes... couldn't agree with you more. if only we wanted and worked for what we wanted often enough...

alexys... absolutely! and thank you so much! feel the same about your blog, you know that.

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